Wool and Water

"How can she knit with so many?" the puzzled child thought to herself. "She gets more and more like a porcupine every minute!"

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hmmm ... maybe the truth will be uncovered here, or maybe not?

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Row 155

Nothing much to say - except I am a bit more than halfway done with the skirt!

Except for one sneaky knitted lace row I didn't anticipate everything seems to be going smoothly ...
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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

...Row 115

Not much to say - I just want to keep track of my progress - as meager as it may be - at least I am into the lace knitting part - and done with the knitted lace part!

Ok, someone wanted to know which is knitted lace and which is lace knitting - I never remember myself - so here it is - more to remind me than to inform, since I am often asked and never know the answer ...

True knitted lace has pattern stitches on both the right and wrong sides; knitting with pattern stitches on only one side of the fabric, so that holes are separated by at least two threads, is technically not lace, but often called "lacy knitting". (well, it's most often called "lace knitting" - at least in all the books I've read)


Monday, October 23, 2006

Christening Robe goes on ... Row 80

Not much to say - it does seem to get easier - after this chart I think there's less patterning and so I should speed up a bit ...

Since I have very little new to say I will wallow in conje
cture ...

I was wondering if some cave person (no doubt a female cave person) while lying on the ground, looking up through the branches of a sugarberry tree in early spring or observing the bare branches of autumn against a clear sunset sky, first envisioned the possibility of Lace ..

Friday, October 20, 2006

At Row 45 and 3 weeks to go!

It's coming along nicely, if slowly....

Since Madeline is due to arrive on November 10th, I am
hoping a church will not be found and a christening not scheduled before Christmas. Only a little over 200 rows left on the skirt!!!

There are quite a few painfully thin spots - but I'm not over dressing this, so it should be fine - and I must begone to knit more ...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Christening Robe

Moving along as quickly as is humanly possible - this is the Christening robe from HK - I'm using the cobweb again and crossing my fingers that it will not have many thin spots ...

Thankfully, I get to use Addis (2.0 mm) they make everything soo much easier! I'm on the 16th repeat out of 28 for the lace border. My tension has tightened up a bit since the start - as it usually does - and there is one spot around repeat 11 that has one odd looking spot - but for the most part I'm liking how it looks so far ...

If I can keep up the pace it should be done by Christmas!
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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Shorter Days

As time runs out I knit faster and longer - a Master of Procrastination - if not of knitting ...

Sweet Child of Mine is finally done ... after I washed and blocked it - I hated everything about it - the lace edg
ing, the knitted picots ( I should've crocheted them) - it was one of those times when every little mistake grew like a weed ...

But now I've changed my mind - I like it - so if you find smething about it you don't like - keep it to yourself!

The bonnet is almost done as well - I'll take a picture after it's washed and blocked - I did these picots in crochet and I like them much better - I'm just worried about making bows now. Although I doubt the booties will be done by the bab
y shower on Saturday, it's probably amazing I got this much done...

I used to think of Autumn in terms of falling leaves - but I've been in Texas too long - now Autumn means morning glories -