Wool and Water

"How can she knit with so many?" the puzzled child thought to herself. "She gets more and more like a porcupine every minute!"

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hmmm ... maybe the truth will be uncovered here, or maybe not?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Almost finished?

Well, it is almost done - it is semi dressed and temporarily basted. I am still worried that the neck is too small - I'll let Madeline have a fitting on Thanksgiving and then redo the top if necessary. I am knitting the lace edgings for the arm openings separately and I'll sew them on when I am sure it will fit properly.

The underdress shouldn't be a big problem - I'll know how to do the bodice by the time I get there.
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Friday, November 03, 2006

Skirt Complete

I thought I'd quickly take a photo of the skirt before I decrease and it gets all gathered - some of the pattern will be hard to see ...

It measures about 20 inches in length with minimum stretching and about 28 inches in width - so the waist should measure about 14 inches with no stretching ...

Stretching is a weird looking word ...

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