Wool and Water

"How can she knit with so many?" the puzzled child thought to herself. "She gets more and more like a porcupine every minute!"

My Photo

hmmm ... maybe the truth will be uncovered here, or maybe not?

Friday, April 14, 2006

Easter Socks

Well, they are done and right on time! The Opal wasn't as fun to knit with as I thought, but the socks are nice and do look like Easter eggs.

The WRS is on hold until I get further on the Rosebud - only a month left ...

I did pick up around the center of the Rosebud today - so at least I've made a bit of progress.

The next big question is when to start the Regia silk socks - but I'll think about that Monday ...

Note to Self: Try to look before you Blog stuff from Picasa, you keep posting things to the wrong Blog and it's getting really annoying  Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 10, 2006


How many errors are acceptable? Is there some sort of magic line you can't cross? At what point does a small mistake that is invisible to all but the creator become a glaring disruption indicating sloppy execution of a pattern? Does utility determine acceptability?

Some people are perfectionists - denying entry to even the most miniscule deviation - but usually more in some areas of their existence than others. Perhaps we are more willing to admit errors in those parts of us which are less competent to begin with, and strive for perfection in those areas in which we excel.

Of course, the idea presents itself that necessarily a creation will be in some way less perfect than its creator - which in turn presumes a certain randomness which inserts itself into any thing that is created. But this would only hold true if the primary creator was in fact truly perfect to begin with - any secondary creator might be inserting less perfection in its creative endeavors or merely passing along the quirks of its own imperfection ...

All this philosophizing aside - I suppose I can live with all the mistakes in the WRS - after all, there has to be a balance between its perfection and its completeness - if I never ignore some imperfections - it will never be complete ...

Friday, April 07, 2006

Better Photos

Here's some better picutres of the WRS - so much for playing with collages ...you can't see them as well as single photos.


I had a major problem with the WRS about 10 rows ago - I've no idea what went wrong, but nothing seemed to want to line up and the more I fiddled with it the worse it got -

This is where I am so far - at row 81 - I've also noticed my gauge has decreased significantly since I've started and got more comfortable with the silk.

So .... do I start over (even though I know it would be a miracle to get through the whole WRS without some mistakes) or go on and convince myself it won't be noticed in the end?

Note to Self: Perhaps you should reread the note you wrote about those Irish knitters?
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Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Ok, no knitting to show - so here's some flowers instead! Those to the left are our beloved bluebonnets - state flower of Texas.

These pink ones are all over the place as well - but I'll have to look them up later - I've no idea what you call them ... umm, they seem to be pink evening primroses, aka buttercups.
Honeysuckle is nice because you can smell it before you see it - and you can taste it after you see it:

I know these aren't wild, but they are mine - some little zinnias and my freesia is blooming! I didn't think the freesias would this year, and so it's a nice surprise. And they smell even better than they look ...

Actually, the zinnias look pretty crappy, and the other plant with stripes is a spider plant, and the green one on the right is Mexican oregano. I shoulda moved the old pot I just discarded out of the way, I'll do that now ...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Groggy mornings fuel desire to smoke

Maybe this is why I smoke? maybe it's also why I'm so grouchy in the morning ...

PEOPLE who take up smoking may do so because they are getting up too early. That's just one symptom of a permanently misaligned body clock, a condition dubbed "social jetlag" that could affect more than half of us.

Halfway Points

A new sock is born! Socks are so nice - they are a quick fix when you are doing projects that take half your lifetime to complete, and you can wear them at any time of the year and for any occasion. The only problem is that one sock is not very useful - I mean you can wear it and glory in its completeness, but it calls inexorably for its mate ...

I hope to finish the mate for this one by Easter (maybe by saying it, this will spur me on and let me avoid second-sock syndrome.) It's the Opal Petticoat and very Easterish - kind of like a striped Easter egg.

The center of the Rosebud is all done, I just need to wait for the arrival of the new yarn - while this is not technically a halfway point, it is a milestone of sorts. Since the soon-to-be born baby is now coming earlier than expected, I'll have to move on this one - I'll have about 6/8 weeks though, so it shouldn't be too bad, except it will take time away from the WRS ...

The WRS is also moving along - I have almost completed one whole repeat - at row 54. It isn't as difficult as I thought it would be, which continues to amaze me. I was wondering where I would go from here - there isn't any smaller yarn that exists as far as I know, but I shouldn't worry about that now, this will take so long to finish that I will prolly achieve senility in the process and not have to make any more decisons. (although HWSNBN suggested I would prolly advance to knitting socks for ants ...)
Whine/Rant to Self : Although I love to talk to the people I love, and will happily babble along for hours doing so - about nothing or everything, or anything in between - I don't love to hold 3-way conversations at 8 AM on Saturday mornings!

If any of those people happen to be reading this - as they prolly will eventually - I won't apologize - but I'll try to explain my expectations for Saturday mornings. I had planned to wake up whenever I wanted, get some coffee and read the news for as long as I wanted, and then take a walk - any kind of walk I wanted. Then I would come home and knit for as long as I wanted while mindlessly listening to music or watching CNN, while also unconsciously cleaing up any small mess that caught my eye ...

At this point I would prolly be ready to talk - in other words:

I am a Grouch in the mornings! It's just the way it is, life is unfair - so get over it!