Wool and Water

"How can she knit with so many?" the puzzled child thought to herself. "She gets more and more like a porcupine every minute!"

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hmmm ... maybe the truth will be uncovered here, or maybe not?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Leaf Socks

I've finally completed something! Well. it's only one sock - but the second one is started ...

These are done in Regia Silk - I really, really love this stuff! I used the leaf pattern from HK on 65 stitches with the standard (for me) sock needles.

It seems as if it's been years since I've completed anything - so it seems worth celebrating. The Rosebud is on hold because I ran out of yarn with less than 20 repeats of the interminable edging ...

The WRS is on permanent hold because of the imminent (imminent in knitting terms - she won't born til November) arrival of a new grand daughter ( well, I suppose I have a tleast 18 years to finish it - she won't be getting married before then ).

The Baby Ull by Dale arrived today - it's a nice baby pink. The pattern hasn't arrived yet - Sweet Child of Mine from Patternworks - so I have time to rush the second leaf sock. I'm also waiting for an order from HK - the last (I hope) ball of cobweb for the Rosebud and 10 of white cobweb for the Christening Robe from the HK book ...

Will I have time to finish all this before my grand daughter's arrival? So much to knit and so little time ...
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