Wool and Water

"How can she knit with so many?" the puzzled child thought to herself. "She gets more and more like a porcupine every minute!"

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hmmm ... maybe the truth will be uncovered here, or maybe not?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

New Beginnings

It is Spring! I could write a bunch of mushy poetic things about that, but it's mostly been said and I don't do mushy very well - so here are some pictures instead. You can see I can even move pictures about now and put them where I want them to go ... well, at least sometimes I can. Now they seem to disappear just as I get them where I want them to go.

But this is more about knitting beginnings, although spring is a good time to begin things - I received the new sock wool in the mail, one ball of Opal Pettticoat, and two of Regia silk in denim - I really needed some spring socks, and I also needed something to knit in between the Rosebud and the Wedding Ring Shawl - they both need way too much concentration for telephone calls and such. The WRS, being knit of gossamer silk (prolly the same thread the Emperor's New Clothes were made from), is moving along - there's no doubt it will go slowly - but I may survive it - I've surprised myself by making it to row 11. It is sooo tiny it makes the sock yarn feel like bridge cables.


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